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Music that Powers Retail


Perfect for your business

Rock My Retail utilizes our popular Rock My Run music app and adds a commercial music use license to make the service fully legal to play at a business. Most consumer apps such as Spotify, Apple music, and all the others are illegal to play over speakers at a business because they are licensed for individual consumer use only.

Rock My Retail is perfect for retail stores, fine restaurants, coffee shops, and fast-casual dining.

What value do we provide to you the business owner or manager?


Our DJ music mixes are crafted by Professional DJs are vastly superior to playlists because they're optimized for retail customers.

Our mixes don't include: 
• Gaps between songs
• Commercials and advertising
• Explicit lyrics

Get the consumer response you want


more likely to make a purchase if they enjoy
the environment and music


increase in customer’s mood when happy music is played


increase in consumers' positive feelings toward a brand when they hear music they like


higher increase in mood and motivation from RockMyRun mixes than other playlist services like Apple and Spotify

More $

Fast-tempo music makes diners eat quickly, increasing nightly table turn

12 & 50%

Slow-tempo music causes consumers to linger longer; spending 12% more on food and 50% more on alcohol

Speaking of consumers hearing music they like...

See & Hear the difference!

Listen to the short comparison of Rock My Run vs. other music services:

Single Song Playlists from other Streaming Services

Playlists create gaps and drop in energy.

Drop in Energy

Did you hear the drop in energy?
Now hear it with a seamless transition.

Rock My Fitness Studio DJ Mix Format

Mixes have consistent upbeat energy.

No Drop in Energy

Pretty awesome, right?!

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Thank you! Someone will get back to you shortly.


@2022 Rock My World, Inc.


@2022 RockMyWorld Inc.

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